‘Tis time for the wearin’ of the green!!! The time for the Irish to make their appearance in Wabasha in 2025 has arrived.
It’s the 37th Annual St. Patrick’s Day parade on Saturday March 15th.
The Plainview News reports the parade will line up under the bridge beginning at 11:30 a.m. nd the parade will start at noon.
The route will go from under the bridge to the VFW Post 4086 in Wabasha, where there will be a free will offering meal of their famous corned beef.
The Costello Clan are this year‘s Grand Marshals. Mike and Nicki will lead the parade on Saturday and there will be bagpipers.
The Olde Triangle Pub and VFW will also have music and drink (of course).
An additional reminder, The Olde Triangle Pub will have live music on Sunday the 16th and on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17 as well.
Watch for more details, at https://www.wabashamn.org/ or the Wabasha-Kellogg Chamber’s Facebook page.