Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, in partnership with Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, is pleased to announce $1.1 million in grants for small businesses in their region (nonprofits earning revenue in a similar fashion to a for profit business may also be eligible).
This is a competitive grant - not all eligible businesses will receive a grant. Grants can range from $10,000 to $50,000.
Businesses must be located in SMIF's region. Businesses must earn $750,000 or less in gross revenue (based on 2021 taxes).
Applications are due Wednesday, April 24.
Additional eligibility requirements and the application can be found at, and scroll down to Upcoming Deadlines.
SMIF serves 20 counties in southern Minnesota, including Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Dodge, Rice and Olmsted counties, as well as Prairie Island Indian Community.