Beginning today, MnDOT will resurface approximately 10 miles of Hwy 61 from Lake City to Red Wing.
The project will also include adding passing lanes near Frontenac to reduce congestion and allow an area for safer passing between Lake City and Red Wing.
The project will improve visibility, widen the road in multiple places to accommodate a bike lane, upgrade guardrails, and complete bridge maintenance.
Detours are scheduled to occur July 5 to mid-September.
Motorists who don't need to access properties in the work zone will use Goodhue County Road 5 in Lake City and Hwy 58 in Red Wing to detour around the project site.
A Goodhue Co. Rd. 2 detour in Frontenac will allow access for residents and businesses during construction. This includes motorists visiting Frontenac State Park.
Access to residents and businesses along Hwy 61 will be available.
The project is scheduled to be completed October 25th.