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Red Wing Snow Emergency

Greg Taylor

A snow emergency has been declared for the city of Red Wing.Day 1 of the snow emergency is effective 12:01 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursday, February 23. Day 2 of the snow emergency is effective 12:01 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday, February 24.

Snow Emergency Routes (Protocol Day 1)

A snow emergency is snow accumulation of 6 inches or greater (in one snow event or successive snow events). In this instance or in anticipation of it, the Public Works Director, Chief Law Enforcement Official, or their designees, will declare a snow emergency which begins at 12:01 a.m. The City will also make announcements on its Facebook and Twitter pages. The emergency exists because of snow or other winter-related conditions creating a hazardous road condition or impedes the movement of fire, health, police, emergency or other vehicular traffic.

The goal of the announcement is to clear vehicles from streets to allow the safe and effective removal of snow or ice. From 12:01 a.m. to noon during a declared emergency, it is unlawful for any person to allow a vehicle or other obstruction to remain parked on any Snow Emergency Route. Any vehicle parked on Snow Emergency Route streets from 12:01 a.m. to noon during the Snow Emergency will be ticketed and towed at the owners’ expense. After noon, parking on Snow Emergency Routes may resume.

Non-Snow Emergency Routes (Protocol Day 2)

The second day of a Snow Emergency will include all Non-Snow Emergency Route streets. A second media announcement reminding people of the Snow Emergency will be made by 6 p.m. that day stating that from 12:01 a.m. to noon, it is unlawful for any person to allow a vehicle or other obstruction to remain parked on all Non-Snow Emergency Route streets. All vehicles parked on a Non-Snow Emergency Route street will be ticketed. Any unmoved vehicles covered with snow/ice, vehicles parked on top of windrowed snow and any vehicle parked within 75 feet of an area that has not been completely cleared on Non-Snow Emergency Route streets from 12:01 a.m. to noon this day will be ticketed and towed at the owners’ expense.

Once an emergency has been declared, it is unlawful for a vehicle to re-park on the designated street until the snow emergency expires even if the street has been plowed. At approximately 2 a.m. or later, dependent on the actual time the snowfall has ceased, snowplow operations will begin and will continue until all snow has been completely cleared in the areas designated by the emergency. Actual weather-related conditions or other variables may alter these operations and guidelines.

During a Snow Emergency, the following off-street parking locations are available:

  • City Parking Lot at Third and Plum Streets

  • City Parking Lot at Oak and Williams Streets

  • Parking Lot off Bohmbach Drive by the Athletic Field

  • City Parking Area at the Tenth Street Pump Station

  • Legion Parking Lot at West Fourth and Potter Streets

  • City Parking Area at 321 Potter Street

  • City Parking Area at 320 Bluff Street

  • All three City Parking Ramps — LaGrange, Studebaker, and Fourth Street Ramp

  • Don't forget to sign up to receive snow emergency notifications by email or text here:



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