It’s not too early to think about the Red Wing Lions Club's annual project that will help you dispose of your Christmas tree.
The Lions Club will remove your tree sometime on Saturday, January 6 and on Saturday, January 13.
To secure your place on the pick-up list, please MAIL... to the RED WING LIONS, c/o 312 East 6th Street, Red Wing MN 55066
• Your CHECK (payable to Red Wing Lions) OR CASH ($5 or more if you so choose)... please know ALL proceeds help others
• Along with a note containing your NAME, ADDRESS, and the DATE by which your tree will be ready for pickup
• We need your donation and information to arrive no later than January 6 to be sure you will be on the pick up list.
Leave the tree near the curb, or somewhere plainly visible, by the date you have specified. Sometime thereafter, (no later than the 13th) a crew of happy Lions will drive by your house and take care of removing it!
In case of any issues arising regarding your pickup, please call Brad Wronski at 651-385-0064.