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PEM Techers Nominated Life Changer of the Year

PEM 4-6 principal Clark Olstad has nominated Special Education teachers Katie Holtegaard and Gretchen Meyer, and paraprofessional Nikki Sanders for the National Life Group's LifeChanger of the Year award.

LifeChanger of the Year is an annual program that recognizes and rewards K-12 teachers and school employees from around the country.

According to the Plainview News, Olstad wrote a bit about each of the nominees.

“One of Ms. Holtegaard's greatest strengths is her relaxed, fun, calming personality. Her classroom atmosphere is one of the best I have ever had the privilege of seeing.”

"Ms. Meyers the unique ability to start each day as a new opportunity and a fresh beginning for all her students. In her classroom, her students clearly understand that she believes in them, and that confidence carries over into the students. ’’

“One of Ms. Sanders' greatest strengths is her ability to treat every student with respect while holding them accountable for their actions and helping them learn valuable life lessons. She will often give up her lunchtime to help her fifth-grade students and her team of teachers.



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