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Outstanding Educator Award Nominees

Greg Taylor

Ten southeast Minnesota educators have been nominated for the 2024-2025 Outstanding Educator Award.

This award, hosted by STEM Forward, recognizes K-12 professionals who strive toward the highest levels of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) excellence within their schools and community, with a focus on initiative and continuous improvement in every aspect of their work.

This year’s nominees include:

Nick Richmond, Red Wing Public Schools, who teaches grades 5-7 Phy Ed/Adapted PE at Twin Bluff Middle School.

Sara Mangan, Goodhue Public Schools who teaches STEM in the Elementary classes.

Denine Voegeli, PEM Community Schools  Eighth Grade Earth Science Teacher.

This award is presented by Southeast Service Cooperative’s STEM Forward.

STEM Forward is a collaborative group of southeast Minnesota K-12 school districts, post-secondary partners, and community businesses IBM, Mayo Clinic, The Hormel Institute, and Workforce Development, Inc, who work together to promote STEM excellence in our K-12 schools.




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