The National Weather Service in the Twin Cities is looking for storm spotters for the spring and summer severe weather season.
SKYWARN is a volunteer program that help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the NWS.
SKYWARN classes are free and no registration is needed for in-person training.
Training will be Monday, March 24th from 5:30 – 8 pm at the Goodhue Fire Department, 110 3rd Avenue in Goodhue.
SKYWARN training at the Kenyon Fire Department, 620 Centennial Drive in Kenyon will Saturday, March 29th from 8 -10:30 am.
There will be online training April 1st from 6:30-9 pm. You DO need to pre-register at www.sogn.us.
For the link with details, go to https://www.weather.gov/mpx/skywarnSchedule.