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Highway 52 Wood Burning Project PPD


Update: The planned wood pile burning on Highway 52 between Pine Island and Oronoco is postponed as the Minnesota Department of Transportation monitors weather for better conditions.


The work was scheduled for Monday, March 17, but windy conditions and possible wet winter weather, has prompted MnDOT to postpone the work. MnDOT will announce a new date soon when it crews plan to burn wood piles to dispose of dead and diseased trees, and other wood debris.

Motorists on Highway 52 between Pine Island and Oronoco may see smoke beginning today (Monday, March 17) as crews burn wood piles to dispose of dead and diseased trees, and other wood debris, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Motorists will encounter signs as they approach the burn area warning of the potential of smoke along Highway 52 near Exit 68, the Elk Run interchange.

Wood from tree cutting and trimming work is in a contained area east of Highway 52 northbound at Exit 68 on MnDOT right of way and will be burned throughout this week.

MnDOT will select days for burning when the conditions are suitable for safety, including weather conditions, wind speeds and direction.

Law enforcement and local fire departments will also be alerted for awareness of MnDOT’s activities.

Maintenance crew members will be monitoring the burning operation to ensure that it is regularly fueled and observed for safety.




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